CoinLend bot is completely automated and lending at the best interest rates – 24/7. Just few simple steps and your bot is ready to go. The bot and most of its functionality is free of charge. If you prefer to utilize advanced lending strategies to maximize your profit you can upgrade to a premium account. The bot is 100% secure. No withdrawals of funds are possible via the API key.
- Signup to CoinLend
- Join Bitfinex, Poloniex or Liquid (Get 10$ in QASH)
- Follow steps is setup guides for Bitfinex, Poloniex & Liquid
- Enjoy your profits! Lending rates history can find be here
Next in roadmap is integration with BitMEX, COBINHOOD and Celsius Wallet.
With CoinLend it is possible to lend Bitcoins as well as other cryptocurrencies at very lucrative interest rates and with limited risk at exchanges like Poloniex, Bitfinex or Liquid but the difficulties in doing this manually are:
- The interest rates are very volatile.
- The loans can be paid back by the borrower at any time.
To achieve the best possible revenue, it is necessary to log in at regular intervals to manage and renew the loans. On these platforms, there is an auto-renew functionality, that renews loans automatically, if they are paid back. The renewed loans are created with the same interest rate as the previous one. That is why they are now probably above or below the current optimal interest rate. Therefore, the loans are priced too low and potential interest is thrown away or the loans are priced too high and will not be taken by borrowers. Lenders also miss out on interest during the time when the loan is not taken.
This is where the Coinlend bot comes into play. The fully automated bot works 24 hours a day to lend out all your funds for the best possible rates.
Like automated lending? So you should also check out GSMG – A fully automated crypto trade platform.
Keep reading, check out this complete list of crypto interest providers and overview.