Earn profits with PoS & Masternodes combined with MyCointainer
In short, MyCointainer is online automatic staking and masternode staking platform. Which means we will generate profit for you in the form of ‘stakes’.
Simple transfer. Instant rewards.
Regulated by FUI financial provider of web wallet services, MyCointainer is a solution designed especially for newcomers to enable easy access to the crypto world. We want everyone to equally benefit from rewards that come from various digital assets & activities and as a result speed up the advent of crypto adoption worldwide.
Just hold and earn profits & rewards. Simple solution for everyone. We will handhold you to get your first coins and generate profits for you.
Transfer Proof of Stake or Masternode coins
Simply create address at MyCointainer for the coin you wish to stake.
Hold in MyCointainer
Transfer coins to your account in MyCointainer. We will utilize its super powers (Proof of Stakes + Masternodes) to generate profits.
Enjoy regular profits
Get notified when profits come. Time to enjoy your life and finally let your money work for you.
Refer a Friend – Sharing is caring
Fill up your cointainer with even more earnings. Invite your friend and we will share our rewards with you. 20% of our rewards go to you!
We only earn when you profit. Fee only on generated rewards. 3.27% Our average reward fee on 33 assets, 100% No fee on 5 assets – all rewards go to you.
Keep reading, check out this complete list of crypto interest providers and overview.